

Process Monitoring and Control Platform for All Industries Utilising Inline Sensors and PAT

  • Highly Configurable and Connects to Many Data Sources.
  • Utilises Process Models Developed in VEKTOR DIREKTOR.
  • Multivariate and Univariate Statistical Process Control.
  • Expert and Non-expert Data Visualisation and Dashboards.
  • OPC Connectivity for Integration with Third-party Process Control Systems.
  • In-built Database Schema.

Drag it, drop it, use it. It’s that simple.

Data Input and Drivers

Easy Drag’n’Drop Setup

  • File Based Formats.
  • Instrument Drivers.
  • OPC Templates.

Can Setup Single or Multiple Imports into a Single Configuration.

Data Alignment

The Data Alignment System (DAS-Box) is the Most Intuitive Method for Aligning Individual Data Sources to a Common Time Point

DAS-Box is a workflow system that allows you to,

  • Apply Spectral Filters to Remove Non-Sample Data.
  • Align Data Using a Number of Methods.
  • Apply Post Filters to Extract Important Information From Data.
  • Defining the Order of Aligned Data.
  • Application of VEKTOR DIREKTOR Models to All or Selected Parts of the Aligned Array.

“What good is a process if you can’t control it?”

Visualisation of Results

Configurable Plot Layouts and Dashboards

  • Set up Statistical Process Control (SPC) Charts.
  • Display Raw and Preprocessed Data.
  • Display Results of Multiple VEKTOR DIREKTOR MVDA Models.
  • Define the Views for the End User with the Interactive Plot Layout Tool.

Multivariate Model Alarms and Warnings

Define Limits for Selected Statistics in Each Model

  • Select Any Model Used in the Configuration.
  • Select Only the Statistics to Evaluate with Alarms on Warnings.
  • Define the Limits and Confidence Intervals for the Selected Statistics.

“Simplicity in configuration setup using an intuitive workflow
translates to faster implementation and validation.”

A Happy Process Engineer

Real Time Information

Visually Assess Process Trends and Verify the Identity of Outliers

  • Display Statistics with Limits in Real Time.
  • List Alarm and Warnings and Use the Outputs for Process Control.
  • Interact with Plots in Real Time to Drill Down into Important Events.

Historical Data Retrieval

Search the database for past results and interactive views

  • Retrieve Historical Data Using ProaXesS Query Tools.
  • Combine Batch Data Results for Comparison.
  • Export Data Directly to VEKTOR DIREKTOR for Model Building and Root Cause Analysis.

System Requirements and Features

Supported Operating Systems Windows 10 and 11 (64 bit operating systems).
Memory (RAM) 8 GB Minimum.
Processor Specification Intel i7 Minimum (preferred).
Hard Disk Space 1 GB Minimum.
Security Windows Authentication, VEKTOR VAULT (optional).
Data Imports ASCII (.csv), Proprietary Instrument Formats, OPC UA and DA, Direct Instrument Drivers, Database.
Security Windows Authentication with Administrator, Developer and Operator levels of access.
Data Alignment (Optional) User defined.
Database VEKTOR DATABASE Proprietary Database Schema.

Use the process monitoring and control platform that makes implementation easy.