Your Data | Our Software | Your Success
Global focus on Industry, Research and Academia
Fine Chemicals | Pharmaceutical Manufacturing | Oil and Gas | Food and Beverage | Research Organisations | Universities
Turning Data into Information, then into Business Benefits

Big Data for Manufacturing Processes
VEKTOR DIREKTOR™ and ProaXesS are BIG DATA solutions for Process and Manufacturing Plants.
Process and Development Data are different to the transactional and social media data used by common Big Data platforms; therefore the software developed by KAX Group is required
Integrated Solutions
The KAXG business model is based around integration. By providing tools and customised solutions, our business partners can leverage off our expertise and this enables them to provide turnkey solutions to their clients.

Information to Knowledge
Process Analytical Technology (PAT) combined with modern control systems helps organisations to become more innovative and allows them to reduce energy costs, meet green targets and lower waste and rework.
Multivariate Data Analysis (MVDA) is the glue that holds it all together.
Internet of Things (IOT)
Real time data feeds from multiple sensors, machinery and databases can all be combined to enhance understanding.
With Information comes Knowledge and with Knowledge comes the Power to make Real Change.