
Hyperspectral Image Analysis

Easy to Use Multivariate Image Analysis Software

  • Similar Look and Feel to VEKTOR DIREKTOR.
  • Flood Masking.
  • Pixel and Spectral Binning.
  • RGB Colour Channel Control.
  • Image Correlation.
  • Image PCA.
  • Image PLS-DA.

Drag it, drop it, use it. It’s that simple.

Image Import Preview

Check Your Images Prior to Import

  • Variable Imaging
  • RGB Colour Filter
  • Flood Masking
  • Pixel and Spectral Binning

Preview Unfolded 1D Data

Import and Reconstruct Images

  • Image Reconstruction
  • Header Control
  • Skip Metadata
  • Preview Images of Specific Variables

“What good is an image that doesn’t display the full picture?”

Compare Original and Preprocessed Images

Live Display of Image Changes

  • Preprocessing Templates
  • Image Variable Control
  • See Your Changes Prior to Using Templates

Image Correlation

Spatial Correlation of Selected Pixels

  • Masking Based on Correlation
  • Create Regions of Interest
  • Compare Data of Regions

ImaJerI is an Intuitive Multivariate Hyperspectral Image Analysis Package with a
Competitive Price that is Based on the VEKTOR DIREKTOR Platform

Image Exploration

Principal Component Analysis

  • Full Object PCA
  • Option for Randomised PCA
  • Explore the Variance in your Images
  • Interactive Diagnostic Plots

Image Classification

Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis

  • Classify Image Pixels by Class
  • Predict New Images
  • Interactive Diagnostic Plots
Image Classification

System Requirements and Features

Supported Operating Systems Windows 10 and 11 preferred (64 bit operating systems).
Memory (RAM) 16 GB minimum
Processor Specification Intel i7. i9 and Xeon minimum
Hard Disk Space 1 GB minimum
Security Windows Authentication, VEKTOR VAULT (optional)
Data Imports .envi, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .btm, .gif, .tif, .spc (grams), .ascii, .xlsx, .mat
Security Windows Authentication with Administrator, Developer and Operator levels of access.
Data Visualisation Bubble, Column, Heat map, Histogram, Image, Line, 2D and 3D scatter, 3D Surface, RGB, Selector, Masking, Pixel plot and Residual Imaging
  • Image Correlation
  • Image Principal Component Analysis (I-PCA) with projection
  • Image Partial least Squares-Discriminant Analysis with classification