Hyperspectral Image Analysis
Easy to Use Multivariate Image Analysis Software
- Similar Look and Feel to VEKTOR DIREKTOR.
- Flood Masking.
- Pixel and Spectral Binning.
- RGB Colour Channel Control.
- Image Correlation.
- Image PCA.
- Image PLS-DA.

Drag it, drop it, use it. It’s that simple.
Image Import Preview
Check Your Images Prior to Import
- Variable Imaging
- RGB Colour Filter
- Flood Masking
- Pixel and Spectral Binning
Preview Unfolded 1D Data
Import and Reconstruct Images
- Image Reconstruction
- Header Control
- Skip Metadata
- Preview Images of Specific Variables

“What good is an image that doesn’t display the full picture?”

Compare Original and Preprocessed Images
Live Display of Image Changes
- Preprocessing Templates
- Image Variable Control
- See Your Changes Prior to Using Templates
Image Correlation
Spatial Correlation of Selected Pixels
- Masking Based on Correlation
- Create Regions of Interest
- Compare Data of Regions

ImaJerI is an Intuitive Multivariate Hyperspectral Image Analysis Package with a
Competitive Price that is Based on the VEKTOR DIREKTOR Platform
Competitive Price that is Based on the VEKTOR DIREKTOR Platform

Image Exploration
Principal Component Analysis
- Full Object PCA
- Option for Randomised PCA
- Explore the Variance in your Images
- Interactive Diagnostic Plots
Image Classification
Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis
- Classify Image Pixels by Class
- Predict New Images
- Interactive Diagnostic Plots

System Requirements and Features
Supported Operating Systems | Windows 10 or later (64 bit operating systems) |
Memory (RAM) | 16 GB minimum |
Processor Specification | 2 GHz or faster, quad-core, x64-based |
Hard Disk Space | 8 GB of available disk space |
.NET Framework | 4.8 |
Security | Windows Authentication, VEKTOR VAULT (optional) |
Data Imports | .envi, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .btm, .gif, .tif, .spc (grams), .ascii, .xlsx, .mat |
Data Visualisation | Bubble, Column, Heat map, Histogram, Image, Line, 2D and 3D scatter, 3D Surface, RGB, Selector, Masking, Pixel plot and Residual Imaging |
Analysis |